Pay Per Click Advertising
Paid search is one of the fastest growing marketing tools in the
world. It generates immediate results and a measurable
return on investment, giving it a distinct advantage over
traditional marketing channels.
Unlike traditional advertising, the Pay Per Click model can track
the Internet users from initial search results to online purchase.
You can closely manage the campaign to give the best returns. As an
increasing number of people buy online, those companies that become
adept at managing the online budget today will reap the rewards
- No changes are required to the front end of the website design.
- A cost only occurs when an ad is clicked on and someone visits your
site, unlike traditional media where the ad is paid for whether it is viewed
or not.
- A pay per click campaign can be activated or de-activated rapidly. It
can be turned up or down at a moments notice.
- A pay per click campaign can be directly assessed against an return on
investment requirement.
Keyword analysis is critical to an effective
campaign, together with the choice of landing pages for each
The main global pay per click search engines are: Google AdWords,
Overture, Espotting, Mirago, FindWhat, LookSmart LookListings. All
provide a sophisticated interface that allows the selection of
keywords on whose results to place links.
The difficulty of pay per click advertising is monitoring that
the daily expenditure achieves good click-through and sales results.
When choosing more than a handful of keywords, this can become quite
difficult and we provide bid management technology to ease the
For a free appraisal, advice or a consultant visit, please call one of our offices or
fill in a Contact form now! .